Top 5 Best Ways to Treat and Prevent Sunburn

Now that summer is just around the corner in the United States and already here in the Philippines, everyone should be very cautious about spending too much time in the sun. After all, excessive sun exposure is the number one cause of wrinkles, fine lines, skin damage and premature aging. It never hurt anyone to do a little research before taking a walk in the park or laying along a beach in the sun. In this article we will talk about two things: How to treat but more importantly, prevent sunburn.

1. The simplest way to prevent sunburn is to stay indoors. The more you are inside the less likely you will be outside with the possibility of getting burned. With that in mind you can organize some of your daily activities like jogging inside instead of outside. You can always wake up early in the morning to do your run but you can also run on a treadmill inside your local gym.

2. If staying inside is not an option, make sure to bring an umbrella with you. This is probably a lot more common in the Philippines then it is in the United States but using an umbrella whiles you are walking in the sun can help you stay burn free while maintaining your youthful appearance. If you buy a small enough umbrella and a big enough purse you can always take it with you. And if you are not willing to carry an umbrella, wear a hat to help protect your face.

3. Wearing sunblock or sunscreen is especially important if you have a light complexion. This is another preventive step that you can take to avoid getting sun burned. But keep in mind that sunscreen and sunblock do not protect against malignant melanomas, the most serious and fatal type of skin cancer.

4. If you already have a sunburn it will probably take several days to heal. There aren't any quick fixes but there are natural remedies to make things easier. Try taking cool to semi-lukewarm showers, baths and place a damp cloth over your burns. Always wear loose clothing, especially around the areas of your burns. Apply aloe vera gel from an aloe vera plant or a commercial product line. Drink plenty of water and consider sitting in front of an air conditioner or fan for temporary relief.

5. Finally, you can try taking an over-the-counter pain reliever to make up for some of your discomfort. Always take the recommended dose and contact your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. Be sure to visit your local hospital if you have blisters covering a large area of your skin, if you are running a fever or if you have severe pain. Stay inside if you can and cover your burns with heavy clothing if you cannot. Nothing is worse then getting a burn over a sunburn.


- Do not apply anything ice cold

- Do not shave over your burns

- Do not use petrolatum like Vaseline

- Do not use moisturizing creams on blistered skin

- Do not use scented formulas around your burns
